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About Our College

Khun Khun Ji Girls P.G. College Chowk, Lucknow District of Uttar Pradesh is the only college providing education to girls in the western part of Lucknow. The college is duly performing its role in providing higher education to the girls of rural areas like Mal, Malihabad, Kakori etc. in addition to various areas in Lucknow. In 1931, the prevalence of education of Women was very scarce. At that time Late Rai Bahadur Harekrishna Das Khun khun ji established a Khun Khun ji Anglo-vernacular Girls Middle School for girl education by calling teachers from outside province which gradually progressed and established as Khun Khun ji Girls Post Graduate College. Shri Krishnadas Khun khun ji contributed in taking forward the resolution of his father.
In the year 1959, the college was recognized to conduct B. A. classes under the Faculty of Arts of Lucknow University and from 1974, B.Ed. classes under the Faculty of Education. In course of time former manager Sarv Shri Omprakash Agarwal ji contributed with more sacrifice and dedication like his forefathers. The College has started B. Com Course as well (2023), which is duly recognised by University of Lucknow.
The Khun Khun Ji Girls P.G. College, with its academic zeal, aims at providing quality education to rural students while augmenting their meaningful participation in both curricular and extra-curricular activities. The focus is on the process of teaching-learning in rural context with a sense of social responsibility. The college upholds the spirit of Humanism and strives to inculcate rationalism among its stakeholders. Everyone associated with the institution zealously endeavours and excels in disseminating knowledge.
60 +



Of Students

95 %


20 +

National Awards

Message from Manager

"Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton
I extend a warm welcome to you at the one of the oldest & prestigious college of Lucknow, Khun Khun Ji Girls P. G. College. Our dedicated faculty members provide an environment of intense learning and the holistic development of the students.We, at the Khun Khun Ji Girls P. G. College, strive to provide a great platform where a student is all -inclusively educated, encompassing physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual growth. We aim that our students became an asset to the nation. Educated youth is the fortitude of any society and we, through Khun Khun Ji Girls P. G. College, are actively engaged in the process of transformation.
I am thankful to the Principal, Faculty members, and Non-teaching Staff of the College for their tireless diligent efforts in the virtuous causes of education.
With Regards,
Utkarsh Agrawal

Our Partnerships

In the academic session (2022-23), Khun Khun Ji Girls P. G. College Chowk, Lucknow has signed 3 MoUs with different institutions-
  • • First MoU was signed between Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Language University and Prof. Anshu Kedia, Principal of Khun Khun Ji Girls P. G. College for faculty exchange and re-skilling program.

  • • Second MoU was signed with Mr. A. K. Saxena, General Secretary of Uttar Pradesh Non Olympic Association and Khun Khun Ji Girls PG College to promote indigenous sports in Khun Khun Ji Girls P. G. College Lucknow.

  • • Third Mou was signed with BSN Infotech Pvt. Ltd. and Khun Khun Ji Girls P G College for digital literacy.

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